Friday, August 16, 2024

August 17 - 23, 2024


To answer these trivia questions, please email me at

Brain Teasers:

In which movie, based on a DC comic book, is the final gunfight from IL BUONO, IL BRUTTO, CATTIVO, aka THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY seen on a TV screen?
Angel Rivera knew that it is BLACK ADAM.

Which piece of music by Ennio Morricone is used in a movie based on a DC comic book?
George Grimes and Angel Rivera knew that it was "Il Triello" aka "The Trio" from THE GOOD THE BAD AND THE UGLY, heard in BLACK ADAM.

Charles Gilbert asks "by what name is Luigi Montefiori better known"?
Tom Betts, Rick Garibaldi, Angel Rivera Bertrand van Wonterghem and George Grimes knew that it is George Eastman. Angel pointed out that "George Eastman" is the name of the character played by Montgomery Clift in A PLACE IN THE SUN.

On what Western is Luigi Montefiori thought to be an uncredited writer?
No one has answered this question yet.

And now for some new brain teasers:

What film did Luigi Montefiori write that resulted in his co-starring with Giuliano Gemma?
In what film directed by Federico Fellini did Luigi Montefiori appear?
What film is thought to be partly directed by Luigi Montefiori without credit?

Name the movies from which these images came.

Rick Garibaldi identified last week's photo of Elisa Montes and Loredana Nusciak in 7 DOLLARI SUL ROSSO, aka SEVEN DOLLARS TO KILL.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

George Grimes identified last week's frame grab of Anthony Steffen in AFRODITE DEA DELL'AMORE, aka APHRODITE GODDESS OF LOVE.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

Bertrand van Wonterghem, Angel Rivera and George Grimes identified last week's photo of Massimo Serato and Tony Russel in I CRIMINALI DELLA GALASSIA, aka THE WILD WILD PLANET.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

George Grimes identified last week's photo of Jackie Chan abusing a suspect in BLEEDING STEEL.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

I am interested in knowing what movies you have watched and what you enjoyed or not. So please send me an email at if you'd like to share. Here's what I watched last week:

Highly enjoyed:

Icons Unearthed: Spider-Man (2024) - A six episode behind-the-scenes report on Sony's handling of the Spider-Man movies up to their collaboration with Marvel Studios.


The Dark Side of the '90s season one episode 5 "Grunge and the Seattle Sound" (2021) - The story of SubPop records.

The Dark Side of the '90s season three, episode 2 "Friends: The One About the TV Show" (2024)

The Dark Side of the '90s season three episode 3 "NYPD Blue" (2024)

The Dark Side of the '90s season three episode 4 "Robert Downey Jr. The Comeback Kid" (2024)

Sex Before the Internet "Sex Taped" (2023) - The story of Traci Lords as told by Ginger Lynn and Christy Canyon among others.

Mildly enjoyed:

BROADWAY MELODY OF 1936 (1935) - How come I don't remember hearing about Eleanor Powell before this? She's terrific. And seeing Buddy and Vilma Epsen is also a pleasure. But the movie is stolen by Una Merkel as Broadway producer Robert Taylor's secretary. Jack Benny is a columnist ordered by his boss to find more scandals to report on. Hearing the Taylor will have to give his backer, June Knight, the starring role in his new show if he can't find a real star, Benny makes up a French star knowing that Taylor will chase after her. Meanwhile, an old friend from Albany, Powell, wants Taylor to give her a chance in his show. Taylor tells her that Broadway is not a good place for a good girl, so he tries to send her back home. Thankfully, Taylor's secretary, Merkel, discovers Benny's phony story and decides to pass Powell off as the real French star. It kind of deflates the love story if Taylor can't identify Powell under a blonde wig, but who expects an MGM musical to make sense? This movie helped to make "You Are My Lucky Star" and "Broadway Rhythm" into American "standards".


David Deal Enjoyed:





SPY IN YOUR EYE (65) - Please refer to The Eurospy Guide.


Did not enjoy:

ZAAT (71) - Grade Z Floridian sci-fi about a mad scientist who turns himself into a monster and… oh nevermind.


Angel Rivera  Highly enjoyed:

I was never really an Elizabeth Taylor fan, even though I was aware of her popularity. It was not until I saw her in this film that she caught my eye. The story is based on a novel which in turn was based a true life, sensationalized murder case. Montgomery Clift plays a social climber and the poor relation of  a  wealthy family. The family wants to help him, so they give him a job at the beginning  level, with a warning, "No fraternizing  with the female employees". Of course he breaks that rule and ends up fraternizing with Shelly Winters. He then throws her over for Taylor, who was 17 when she made this film and is almost luminescent in her beauty. Of course problems arise when Shelly tells Monty, she is pregnant with his baby. There is a death, but is it murder? Raymond Burr, as a tough as nails District Attorney thinks so and so convinces a jury that renders a death sentence verdict. But George Stevens who directed concentrates on the heat produced by Taylor and Clift. The ending is most memorable.

Mildly enjoyed:

Interesting documentary that features long forgotten interviews with Ms. Taylor as she talks about her life, romances and career.

Those in the know about comic books, knows that in 1985, DC Comics, the publishers of Superman, Batman and Robin, and Wonder Woman, wanted to streamline their comic mythos and make all their characters who live in what were called parallel universes into one universe. An adaptation of this story was made for the WB superhero shows bringing them together. So recently a three-part animated version was done. The cel artwork on the series tries to resemble the artwork of the comics. All in all, it is an alright effort.


Bertrand van Wonterghem Enjoyed:

Grand Isle (2019, Stephen S. Campanelli)

Zorro – season 1 (2023) (10 epis)

Keuroseu / Mission : cross (2023, Lee Myung Hoon)

Mildly enjoyed:

Wild rovers (1971, Blake Edwards)

The lost world (1925, Harry O. Hoyt)

La fiancée du poète (2023, Yolande Moreau)

Did not enjoy:

Dark Relic (2010, Lorenzo Sena)


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