Friday, May 31, 2024

June 1 - 7, 2024



To answer these trivia questions, please email me at

Brain Teasers:

About which Italian director of Westerns did Tomas Milian complain of having to make unreasonable physical exertions?
No one answered this question yet.

In which Italian Western did Tomas Milian scoff at having vertigo, while in an interview he revealed that he did suffer from vertigo?
No one answered this question yet.

Which movie, usually considered an Italian Western, does the director insist is not a Western?
No one answered this question yet.

And now for some new brain teasers:

Which Italian body builder and actor was born in 1935 and died in 2015?
Which Italian body builder said that director Pietro Francisci was going to cast him as Hercules before Steve Reeves came to his attention?
Which French model and actress was born in 1933 and died in 1959 from leukemia?

Name the movies from which these images came.

Bertrand van Wonterghem was able to identify last week's frame grab of Alberto Dell'acqua and Peter Lee Lawrence in KILLER CALIBRO 32, aka 32 CALIBER KILLER.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

Bertrand van Wonterghem and Angel Rivera identified last week's photo of Anita Ekberg and Jack Palance in I MONTOLI, aka THE MONGOLS.
Above is a new photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

No one identified the above photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

No one identified the  above photo.
Can you name from what movie it came?

I am interested in knowing what movies you have watched and what you enjoyed or not. So please send me an email at if you'd like to share. Here's what I watched last week:


Hacks season three (2024)

LA PESTE, aka THE PLAGUE (1992) - Albert Camus wrote  his novel in 1947, reportedly inspired by the cholera epidemic which hit the French Algerian city of Oran in 1849. Camus set his novel in the 1940s, while Argentine writer/director Luis Puenzo set his movie in the 1990s. While the narrator of the novel is unknown until the very end of the book - and it turns out to be not one of the main characters, the film starts with William Hurt narrating how he must report what happened just as it happened. Set in South America at Christmas time, just as the hot weather increases, THE PLAGUE depicts how Dr. Hurt attempts to deal with a plague spread by the city being overrun by rats. Sandrine Bonnaire and Jean-Marc Barr are French TV journalists stuck when the government sends in troops to quarantine the entire city. Raul Julia is a cynical taxi driver who exploits the plague for his own ends. It is no surprise to find Robert Duvall in this film considering his love for the tango and Argentina. Considering the downbeat nature of the material, Puenzo does a remarkable job of creating a compelling drama filled with convincing performances. When the weather cools down and the plague recedes, Julia complains that no one had learned the lesson of the plague - which is that it always comes back.

Sex Before the Internet "1-900-SEX" (2023) - Most of the programing listed on the Vice channel seemed like bottom of the barrel exploitation, until I gave Icons Unearthed a try. Having liked that show a lot, I decided to give some of the other shows a look-see. The series Sex Before the Internet proved to be entertaining informative. This episode dealt with how the business of "1-900" came into being, how it got taken over by sex companies and how it was destroyed by the internet.

Sex Before the Internet "Sex on TV" (2023) - HBO Documentary Films producer Sheila Nevins, HBO CEO Michael Fuchs and Lead Producer Patti Kaplan talk about bringing the show Real Sex to the air, offering sex education on premium cable. A number of former viewers give testimonials about how important the show was to them and wonder why HBO took it off of their streaming service.

Sex Before the Internet "Something Wicked" (2023) - I went to a party in 1980 in which every room in a two story house was set up with a TV and a VCR showing different movies. After my wife and I got our first VCR, I went to Vic Oppenheim, whose house was the site of that party, for information on where to find videos to rent. I also took advantage of his huge collection of movies, most of which he had recorded off cable TV. Vic and I began traveling all around L.A. County (by bus as neither of us drove) finding small video stores and the hidden gems inside. While I was focused on obscure Italian movies, Vic was mostly scouting for "adult entertainment". Most of what I knew about the adult video business I learned from Vic, so when he suddenly fled to Florida around 1986, my informant was gone. I became aware of Jenna Jameson when she became a mainstream celebrity, but I knew virtually nothing about her career. This episode of Sex Before the Internet explores the rise of Wicked Pictures as a rival to Vivid Video and how Wicked promoted Jameson from dancing in strip clubs to being "the Queen of Porn". It also reports on how Jameson's retirement coincided with the collapse of the effort to make hardcore movies with mainstream movie values.

Mildly enjoyed:

AND GOD SPOKE (The Making of...) (1993) - This sure beats THE DISASTER ARTIST as entertainment, but this "mockumentary" is completely fictional. Michael Riley and Stephen Rappaport play low budget filmmakers who decide that it is time for them to hit the big time with a Biblical film. Of course, they don't have the budget and would seem to not have the talent - as well as virtually no knowledge of The Bible. "The Making of" follows them from pre-production, through the disastrous principal photography, to the painful editing process, to being an absolute flop on release and then, a year later, becoming a success at midnight screenings. For me, the highlight of the movie is Soupy Sales, as himself, cast as Moses telling everyone how proud he is of his sons who are playing in David Bowie's band. It is also cute to see Lou Ferrigno, as himself, playing Cain opposite Andy Dick, as himself, playing Abel. How much do the filmmakers in this movie actually mirror director Arthur Borman and co-writer/co-producer Mark Borman? Unfortunately, they never made NUDE NINJAS for real.

Midsomer Murders "Written In the Stars" season 15 episode 3 (2012) - Astrology and astronomy and murder in an episode highlighted by the lovely Kelly Price.

Midsomer Murders "Death of the Small Coppers" season 20 episode 2 (2019)

MONOLITH (1993) - In the time it took for his producers to decide that SHADOWCHASER did well enough to warrant a sequel, director John Eyres made this buddy cop movie that turns into an extraterrestrial tale with two actors from the ALIEN franchise. Bill Paxton, from ALIENS, and Lindsay Frost are two plains clothes detectives who don't know each other, but both happen to be on the scene when Musetta Vander - who would go on to appear in PROJECT SHADOWCHASER III - chases down a young boy - played by Alex Gaona - with car and pistol. Both Paxton and Frost try to talk Vander into not shooting the boy, but when the boy reaches up to touch Paxton, she shoots the boy. Now why the cops don't shoot Vander is never explained. When John Hurt of ALIEN shows up with security clearance above the President of the United States to take possession of both Vander and the seemingly dead boy, both Paxton and Frost refuse to give up the case, even though Capt. Louis Gossett Jr. ordered them to drop it. Eventually, our heroes discover that Hurt is trying to figure out how to control an extraterrestrial life form that has been on Earth longer than humans have.  This life form has no body and jumps from one host to another - not dissimilar to the demon in FALLEN, which was made five years later. Screenwriters Stephen Lister and Eric Poppen and director Eyres never find a satisfying balance between the comedic bickering between our heroes and the graphic violence which takes out a number of sympathetic characters. The bickering is rarely funny, though the flattery shown to a chunky female security guard by saying that she looks like Sigourney Weaver got a chuckle out of me. Mostly, I just enjoyed watching Lindsay Frost, and I didn't mind that her hair still looked good even after falling into a sewer.

RARE EXPORTS: A CHRISTMAS TALE (2010) - Legend has it that the brutal Santa Claus - the punisher of naughty children - was lured into the Korvatunturi Mountains of Finland, frozen in ice and then buried under a mountain of stones. The country folk who live near the mountain think that the American corporation that is drilling into the mountain are taking samples of the ice as part of an environment study. However, the young boys Onni Tommila and Ilmari Jarvenpaa sneak on to the site and realize that the Americans are looking for something else. Jarvenpaa ridicules Tommila for still believing in the "Coca Cola Santa Claus", so Tommila starts reading the old legends and begins starring out his window in fear. Something feral falls into Tommila father's wolf trap. They think it is a frail old man, but it turns out to be an elf who was probably on his way to kidnap Tommila. Why have all of the heaters in town disappeared? Tommila seems to be the only boy that can be found. What killed the herd of raindeer the locals were counting on for winter meat? Based on an idea by The Helander Brothers, RARE EXPORTS was written and directed by Jalmari Helander who is able to create nail biting suspense without losing a sense of whimsy.

Did not enjoy:

THE BRIDE AND THE BEAST (1958) - Ever since Europeans found out that gorillas existed, they've been obsessed with the idea that the great apes wanted to steal human women. Since producer/director Adrian Weiss had access to not only stock footage of animals in Africa, but also some old Sabu movies, he wanted to make a jungle adventure film. And he wanted to incorporate the then current interest in the Bridey Murphy story, in which a woman under hypnosis regressed to experience her previous lives thus proving reincarnation. Weiss hired Edward D. Wood Jr. to write the screenplay, so naturally the heroine often wore angora sweaters. It was the wedding night of Charlotte Austin and wild life expert Lance Fuller. He took her to his house and talked about how he came back from a previous trip to Africa with a baby gorilla that grew up to be dangerous, so he kept the beast in a cage in the basement. Fuller introduced Austin to the gorilla, and she immediately felt a bond with the animal. That night, the gorilla broke out of his cage and entered the couple's bedroom. After the gorilla tore off Austin's nightgown, Fuller shot the beast to death. Fuller called Dr. William Justine to check out his wife, and the doctor recommended regression hypnosis in an attempt to understand the wife's strange dreams of being in the jungle. He concluded that Austin had been a gorilla in a previous life, and recommended that Fuller call off his plan to take her with him on a trip to Africa. The filmmakers threw in a secondary plot about two escaped Indian tigers in the African jungle to fill out the running time, until the climax when a gorilla took Austin to live in a cave with some other gorillas and she decided that she preferred them to her human husband. At no time did Austin act like a gorilla, nor did the other gorillas treat her like a normal gorilla. If you love hearing unconvincing dialogue that could make your brain hurt, then this may be the movie for you. 

THE CHILD'S EYE (2010) - Hong Kong moviemakers seem to feel that Thailand is where scary things happen, so it is not surprising that a film in which three HK couples go to vacation in Thailand becomes an Horror movie. Rainie Yang is at the seaside with her boyfriend Shawn Yue and has something that she really wants to tell him. But when he says he doesn't remember what he said to her the last time they were at that spot, she doesn't tell him. Yang and Yue are in a nice hotel with friends Elanne Kwong, Ciwi Lam, Izz Xu and Rex Ho when civil unrest breaks out in Bangkok. Reportedly the airport is about to be closed, so all six race out to get a taxi. On the crowded road, they hear that the airport has been closed and so has the hotel they just left. The driver takes them to another hotel, which turns out to be haunted. Why the driver took them to that hotel is never questioned or explained. In the dining room of the hotel, as the three young women are getting food, their three boyfriends suddenly disappear. A girl with a dog explains that only the dog can see the ghost, and that their boyfriends are probably in an upper room which is kept locked by Lam Ka-tung, the hotel owner, who protects it by carrying a meat cleaver. Lots of wackiness occurs before Yang enters the upper room to find a boy with the head of a dog and a lonely ghost that kidnaps guests thinking they may be her lost children. How the ghost, played by Jo Koo, has a child that is half dog is never questioned or explained. Koo takes Yang into another dimension (that looks a lot like Hell in HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER II). After Yang finds a room with all of the disappeared guests - including Yue, Koo decides she wants to kill Yang. But, the ghost discovers that Yang is pregnant, and the young woman pleading for the life of her unborn child, triggers a black & white flashback in which Yang remembers that her death was her own fault. Suddenly wanting to see her own son and husband again, the ghost is told by Yang that she can if she gives up her hate. The Hell dimension goes away and the kidnapped guests soon find that Ka-tung has killed himself and his half dog son. Back at the seaside, Yang and Yue reconcile. Soon an uncle is driving the six back to Hong Kong. The screen fades to black and we hear a car crash. How and why is not explained. Written and directed by the Pang Brothers, THE CHILD'S EYE is Hong Kong's first 3-D Horror film, but didn't get an Hollywood remake unlike their previous film THE EYE.  That's probably because CHILD'S EYE didn't make the tiny bit of sense that THE EYE did. And it had the worst tacked on "we can't have an happy ending" since director Lucio Fulci's PAURA NELLA CITTA DEI MORTI VIVENTI, aka CITY OF THE LIVING DEAD.

GERMINAL (1993) - Emile Zola's 13th novel from 1885 is widely considered to be his masterpiece. Like most of his work, it is concerned with social ills, and tells the story of a man seeking work in a coal mine. Seeing the harsh conditions for the workers there, he comes under the influence of books about workers' rights and pushes for a strike. Every time the workers demand better wages, the boss, in his fine home, complains that doing that would lead to bankruptcy for the company. Eventually, the workers strike, leading to conflict with the workers at other mines who aren't on strike. The Army is called in and they fire on the strikers. Needing to work in order to buy food, the workers end up back in the mines, the strike has failed and the man leaves. Directed by Claude Berri, the 1993 movie version of GERMINAL is the most expensive French film of its time. For me, watching a 2 hour and 40 minute movie depicting misery and hopelessness is not something I relish at my age. 

INTO THE BADLANDS (1991) - When I started watching this USA Network TV movie, I didn't know that it was kind-of a Western Twilight Zone. Narrated by a "bounty man" played by Bruce Dern, the film started with Dern killing a father of two in cold blood. In town, he told Sheriff Andrew Robinson that there were two girls who'd need someone to take care of them. Robinson told Dern not to look at the wanted poster for Dylan McDermott because the sheriff had a personal matter to settle with McDermott. Contrary to Robinson's information that the wanted man was in Arkansas, Dern told him that he saw him heading to Laredo and "the river" into Mexico. This seemed to be based on the short story "The Streets of Laredo" by Will Henry. McDermott had no intention of stopping in Laredo, but he saw saloon girl Helen Hunt standing by the door and was moved to stop and meet her. They soon fall in love and spend enough time together to allow Robinson to arrive in town. Of course, this all ended badly. The next story seemed based on "The Time of the Wolves" by Marcia Muller. It began with Dern visiting with a settler family and telling a little boy about how he was afraid of being attacked by wolves. Mother Mariel Hemingway didn't think such a story was good for the boy to hear so close to bedtime. The story was interrupted by a neighbor coming in and saying that he has to go to Boston to attend his dying mother. Hemingway volunteered that she would go and see his wife, Lisa Pelikan, in the morning. Vising with Pelikan, Hemingway soon began to feel uneasy, partly because the other woman seemed to be going crazy living so far away for the life she had in Boston. And then wolves started attacking the house on a snowy night. Were they real or just a manifestation of the women's fears? The last story began with Dern cutting off his big toe due to frost bite. Based on "The Last Pelt" by Bryce Walton, it told of Dern's plan to bring in Michael J. Metzger's body so that he'd have enough money to retire to his ranch and raise horses. Unfortunately, on his journey of return, Dern met four men who claim to be friends of Metzger. At times the film, directed by Sam Pillsbury, showed an influence from Italian/Spanish Westerns, with all of the images of death and cemeteries. Also, at times, Dern resembled EL TOPO. As much as I enjoyed watching Helen Hunt in a Western setting, I didn't enjoy the Twilight Zone style of storytelling, with surprise twists and unfinished endings.

IRON EAGLE IV, aka IRON EAGLE ON THE ATTACK (1995) - I've been avoiding these films since they started in 1986, but I discovered the fourth and final film in the series on a video tape I recorded off HBO about 20 years ago and I wanted to reuse that tape. Director Sidney J. Furie and writer Kevin Alyn Elders created the series and did the first sequel together. IRON EAGLE II was a box office disappointment, so Furie didn't make ACES: IRON EAGLE III. Elders wrote the third film, which was directed by John Glen of the James Bond franchise. Michael Stokes is credited as writing the fourth film, for which Furie returned as director, which was released directly to home video by Trimark Pictures. In IRON EAGLE II, the character of Doug Masters was thought to have been killed. Jason Gedrick played the role, but was been replaced in IV by Jason Cadieux, who turned out wasn't killed, but was held as a prisoner in the Soviet Union. He was now working as a crop duster, but retired Air Force General Louis Gossett Jr. showed up and wanted him as a flight instructor at the Iron Eagle Flight School - which was sort of a reformatory for delinquent young people. At Gossett's urging, Victoria Snow fired Cadieux, so he took the job with Gossett. One of the students, Joanne Vannicola, was a former drug mule who coned a dealer out of $2,000 with a bag of sugar. She planned to fly her plane to Mexico, but Cadieux showed up and forced her to land at what was supposed to be an abandoned airfield. It turned out that the airfield was being used by some rogue U.S. military personnel planning to dump a biological weapon on Cuba as a way to wake-up the U.S. government on the need to increase military spending. Eventually, the delinquents had to band together to thwart the evil plan. And since the bad guys were willing to kill them, they were willing to kill some bad guys. In the end, the first graduating class of Iron Eagle Flight 
School faced the newly arrived second class as their instructors. There was a lot of the expected footage of planes flying around as well as a lot of gunfire and explosions. It was all fairly dull stuff except for the chance to see some early roles for Canadian actors Rachel Blanchard - 5 years before SUGAR AND SPICE, and Dominic Zamprogna - 8 years before Da Vinci's Inquest and Battlestar Galactica, 

MYSTERY TEAM (2009) - Dominic Dierkes, DC Pierson and Donald Glover were performing with the Hammerkatz NYU sketch comedy team at New York University when they decided to form Derrick Comedy, which became a success on YouTube. In 2008 they announced that they were going to make a feature film, and it turned out to be a rather unique movie. Three boys decided to become the neighborhood mystery solvers, and they liked it so much, it stunted their ability to grow up. Seniors in high school, Dierkes, Pierson and Glover still act and dress like little kids with a ramshackle stand in the yard advertising Mystery Team. 8 year old Daphne Ciccarelle approached them asking if they could find out who murdered her parents. Glover seized on the case, figuring that this wouild finally prove them capable of handling serious mysteries. Ciccarelle's sister, Aubrey Plaza, showed up to tell them to forget it, but Glover finally started to feel an attraction toward the opposite sex - Plaza - and he decided to pursue the case. For a movie that had a "kid's film" concept, MYSTERY TEAM earned its "R" rating, especially when the trio follow a suspect into a female topless club. They all get lap dances and complete the scene with obvious boners. Later on they all discover the satisfaction of saying "fuck" when frustrated. Made by the same team that made their YouTube videos, including director Dan Eckman and producer Meggie McFadden, Derrick Comedy had a singular sense of humor, which I did not share.So I found this feature film more annoying than funny.

STUBER (2019) - This film got some points by starting off with "Lolita Ya Ya" on the soundtrack. And it got some more points by having GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY co-stars Dave Bautista and Karen Gillan as detective partners attempting an arrest of THE RAID's Iko Uwais. Then the soundtrack switched to "The Clapping Song". At first I thought it was the version done by Pia Zadora, so the film lost some points. Even though it turned out to be the version by Shirley Ellis, I wasn't giving any points back to the film. Then they killed Karen Gillan and the film lost all of the points I had given it. Six months later, Bautista got lasik eye surgery while his boss, Mira Sorvino, told him that the Feds had taken over the investigation into Uwais. Meanwhile, ETERNALS' Kumail Nanjiani got off work at a Best Buy like store and used a leased car as an Uber driver. Still unable to see after the eye surgery, Bautista got a phone tip that Uwais was about to be part of a big drug deal. Even though he can't really see, Bautista jumped in his car to visit his informant. Not surprisingly, he crashed into Nanjiani's car and proceeded to commandeer it for police business. At this point, the film seemed like a variation on the 1998 French film TAXI, and its U.S. remake from 2004. If you find hostile bickering funny, then you might enjoy the screenplay credited to Tripper Clancy. I did not enjoy hearing The Hollies' "The Air That I Breathe" or Styx's "Come Sail Away" as the soundtrack for gun battles, but I did like the tossing of a propane canister at a pursuing car during a chase because it worked in JAWS. Rather predictably Sorvino turned out to be a bad cop, so I gave this movie no points, or stars in Uber speak. After all of the wanton killing in this movie, STUBER had the audacity to pull a STAR WARS ending and not kill the bad guy. Were they really hoping for a sequel? Michael Dowse was the director.

WILD COUNTRY (2006) - Samantha Shields is filmed entirely in a facial close up giving birth. We hear the baby cry. Shortly after, Father Peter Capaldi visits Shields and a friend in an hospital room, when the priest tells the young woman she did the right thing in giving up her baby to a couple that will be good parents. Six weeks later, Capaldi takes Shields and four other young people out on the Scottish moors for an hiking trip. While Capaldi drives ahead to check into the accommodations nearby, the five young people settle down to camp. Of course, there is something on the moors at night. Is it the decendents of the historic Scottish cannibals? No. While there is no explanation for what happens, the viewer is left to guess that the young people all fall victim to a werewolf, who also attacks during the day light. So did breast feeding the abandoned baby she found turn Shields into a werewolf? The film offers no explanation and no one mentions AN AMERICAN WEREWOLF IN LONDON. Scottish writer/director Craig Strachan would seem to be the one to blame for this film, and so far he's not done it again. What is the message being communicated by having "Li'l Red Riding Hood" by Sam the Sham and the Pharaohs play over the end credits?

WRITTEN IN BLOOD (2002) - This is the 17th, and final, writing credit for David Keith Miller on the IMDb, after which the former actor seems to have left the business. That is not true for director and actor John Terlesky, who continues to have a thriving career on TV. Former star of The Pretender TV series Michael T. Weiss is the star of WRITTEN IN BLOOD. While trying to convince wife Nancy Valen that she is more important to him than his job as a cop, Weiss gets a phone call from his partner Peter Coyote. Rushing to Coyote's home, Weiss finds Coyote's wife and her lover - the son of fellow cop Steve Rankin - dead and Coyote holding the shotgun that did the deed. Needless to say, Weiss suspects that Coyote is covering for someone else. After Coyote is locked up, various people who did Coyotoe wrong start showing up dead with crytic quotes from Sherlock Holmes stories left at the scenes. The evidence seems to point to Coyote's daughter Maureen Flannigan, but is it a frame-up? The filmmakers seem convinced that they are making a smart thriller, but they fail to make the story or the characters compelling or involving. 

David Deal Enjoyed:


ONLY THE COOL (69) - See The Eurospy Guide for a complete review of this late-cycle entry with Klaus Kinski.


LATE NIGHT WITH THE DEVIL (23) - 1977. In a quest for ratings, late night talk show host David Dastmalchian has a special Halloween show where the ultimate evil is accidentally unleashed. Smart, funny and scary, this is definitely worth a watch. Well done.









Mildly enjoyed:


DRIVE-AWAY DOLLS (24) - Margaret Qualley and Geraldine Viswanathan are lesbians who take a road trip to Tallahassee and get mixed up with gangsters who want something the ladies don't know they have. Half good road comedy from Ethan Coen with touches of comic brilliance but more misfires, all told.



Angel Rivera  Highly enjoyed:

"STATION 19" (2024) Series Finale,
An off shoot of the best "soap opera" still on TV, ("Grey's Anatomy). This show about fire fighters, was entertaining and never boring; especially with a such a very diverse cast. (Something missing from real firehouses.). The finale was handled well with tying up loose story arcs. Will be missed, especially for the forceful and beautiful fire captain portrayed by the beautiful and talented Jaina Lee Ortiz.


A favorite of mine. I believe it was the first movie I saw in the theaters as a kid.

Biography of the star focuses on his private life and how he remained "in the closet" until he was forced out by AIDS.

An interesting biography of the actor who epitomized "cool" on screen.

"I AM BRUCE LEE" (2012)
This biography focuses on his martial arts philosophy.

Another favorite of mine I first saw in the theaters. Possibly the best stop-motion film ever made.

"DOCTOR WHO" (2024) Episode : "Boom"
An interesting story about caring and about war.

Mildly enjoyed:

"DOCTOR WHO" (2024) Episode: "73 Yards"
Some might say upon viewing "good episode:. But I was fairly confused by it.


Bertrand van Wonterghem Enjoyed:

The Munsters' revenge (1981, Don Weis)

Bimireun Eopseo / Frankly speaking – season 1 (2023) – episode 8

Mildly enjoyed:

Trail of justice (2020, Nick Deboer)

Inside n° 9 (season 7) (6 epis)

Did not enjoy:

Terminal – season 1 - episodes 1 to 3


Charles Gilbert watched:

The Scandalous and Luxurious Lifestyle of Trump's Pastor: The Paula White Documentary. YouTube 'Not The Good Girl'  narrates the story of the unscrupulous female charismatic preacher practicing glossalalia that became spiritual advisor to President Donald Trump. She's much maligned by discerning Christian groups for remarriage twice, and for assuming a man's position in the pulpit.

THE SNIPER (1952) B&W. Arthur Franz portrays a disturbed middle-aged man obsessed with killing attractive women. His first victim is Marie Windsor who I thought would get more screen time.

DR. JEKYLL VS. THE WEREWOLF (1972) Paul Naschy in another one of his Waldemar Daninsky Wolfman roles seeks help from a descendant of Dr. Jekyll in London. Only this time the infamous doctor uses the serum on his patient, hence turning him into the libidinous Hyde when he's not lycanthropic.

Howl of the Devil. Youtuber Film Fanatic reviews HOWL OF THE DEVIL (1988) which I could not find uploaded, but sounds interesting. Reportedly Paul Naschy plays all the Universal monsters in it.

DESTROY ALL MONSTERS (1967) Almost all the Kaju in Toho's stable (and then some) unite to battle Ghidorah.

History of DESTROY ALL MONSTERS Kaiju fan Big Action Bill narrates his commentary on the making of DESTROY ALL MONSTERS.


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