Friday, January 15, 2010

Next to last episode of Dollhouse tonight.

And it should be amazing.


  1. Must see tv. Too bad it's almost over!

  2. It's being pre-empted next friday for the Haiti telethon. And then the final episode on 1/29.

  3. *major spoiler*

    I'm not sure I liked them turning Boyd out to be the major bad guy. I liked him throughout the series; he always seemed to have Echo?Caroline's best interests in mind, and to find that they were actually for his benefit was mind blowing. And jeez, I hate to see the characters exiting the show like they do. But it sure generates discussion, and is my favorite show in a long, long time (probably since FIREFLY, and I don't think of myself as a Whedon zombie!)

  4. This episode didn't really satisfy like last week's did. The mixture of humor and chills wasn't as effective and the backstory reveal for Boyd didn't seem as convincing as the backstory reveal for Summer Glau's character last week. But I'm pumped for the finale - and look forward to rewatching the series in the future.
